출 생 : 1988년 10월 20일 남아프리카공화국
소속사 : IMG
경 력 : 패션쇼 타미 힐피거, 빅토리아 시크릿 모델, 각종잡지표지
빅토리아 시크릿의 꽃, 캔디스가 수퍼페이스 여섯번째 입니다. 완벽한 자기관리와 탄탄한 몸매가 매력적인 모델입니다.
캔디스가 말하는 캔디스는?
I was born in a little South African village called Mooi River, where I grew up on a dairy and beef farm. I spent my childhood surrounded by life, love, nature and family. As a little girl I always knew I wanted to do something different, something my family and I could be proud of one day.
I had a passion for beauty and fashion from a very young age, so I was thrilled when a talent scout in a flea market spotted me at age 15. At the time, I was at St. Anne’s College, an all-girls boarding school where I embraced new friends and the potential of a great education.
My world was about to change drastically in a way I could never have imagined. Within a year of meeting the scout, at age 16, I was booking more and more modeling jobs all across Europe. While this was an incredible blessing for someone from such a sheltered upbringing, it also forced me to make tough decisions about my life at a young age.
After two years of traveling between Paris, Milan, London and South Africa, I took a leap of faith and moved to New York City to model full-time. Separated from everything familiar, I relied on my drive and ambition as I lived on my own overseas. I gave up a normal teenage life with my family and friends to pursue a dream, but what I have gotten in return is simply incredible.
I've been blessed to meet some very special and unique people who have helped me along the way and pushed me to be the best person I can be, both professionally and in my personal relationships. Finding true friends and mentors in my industry has kept me grounded during my journey.
After moving to the Big Apple, it wasn't long before Victoria’s Secret found me and took me under their great big feathery wings. With their family of models, stylists, designers and artists, I’ve continued to grow and learn each day. Becoming a Victoria’s Secret Angel allowed me the opportunity to see a completely different side of the modeling world. Not only do I wear their beautiful products, but I am given a voice and encouraged to become a part of the company.
Recently I've had the opportunity to do some amazing editorial and high fashion work with the incredible photographers Mario Testino and Bruce Weber. These men gave me a chance to show my artistic diversity and express a genuine love for what I do. Shortly afterwards I shot the cover of Italian Vogue with Steven Meisel, another highly-influential person in the fashion industry. With the help of these people my career continues to grow and change, forcing me to take every day as it comes.
After starting my career from literally nothing, I will always be thankful to the people who gave me a chance. I credit the success I’ve been blessed with to everyone who saw something special in me and helped me along the way. Most days I still wake up feeling like the 15-year-old girl from a South African farm town, simply overwhelmed with gratitude for the journey I am on. I could not have become the person I am without the values instilled in me by my loyal and ever-loving parents.
Despite the high-profile life I lead, I’m still happiest and most comfortable hiding away on a beach with a good pair of sunglasses, soft sand and some Reggae music. I love exploring exercise and nutrition, finding new ways to keep my body in top shape.
I can’t express enough thanks to the fans who have supported me over the years. Your daily encouragement and care is what keeps my spirits up and puts a smile on my face.
- Candice
출처 : 캔디스스와네포엘 홈페이지
잡지모델로서의 캔디스
인스타에서의 캔디스
캔디스 스와네포엘,CandiceSwanepoel,빅토리아시크리모델, 몸매좋은모델,슈퍼페이스, 캔디스, 빅토리아모델, 만삭사진모델, 해외유명모델,
단연, 현존하는 최고의 모바일MMORPG 검과마법 리뷰보기
설치없이 즐기는 PC웹게임_전략게임_ 제왕제패 리뷰보기
설치없이 즐기는 PC웹게임_MMORPG_ 천상연 리뷰보기
캔디스홈페이지 http://www.candiceswanepoel.com
인스타그램 https://www.instagram.com/angelcandices/
페이수북 https://www.facebook.com/angelcandices/
트위터 https://twitter.com/angelcandice?s=09
핀터레스트 http://pinterest.com/angelcandice
슈퍼페이스 시리즈의 이전글 보기
2016/10/02 - [夢드림엔터팀/슈퍼페이스] - 슈퍼페이스⑤_마블린 모델 실비아커루소(Silvia Caruso)
2016/09/25 - [夢드림엔터팀/슈퍼페이스] - 슈퍼페이스, 국내 페이스북스타 바나나양_슈퍼페이스시리즈4
2016/09/03 - [夢드림엔터팀/슈퍼페이스] - 슈퍼페이스] 나현선 인스타그램얼짱_슈페_시리즈2
2016/08/28 - [夢드림엔터팀/슈퍼페이스] - 아드리아나 리마(Adriana Lima, Adriana Francesca Lima)_지구상 가장 섹시한 모델
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